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Social Ocean

Social Ocean is a marketing agency, in Clontarf. We work with Clients locally and internationally suited to their needs, in our office, by video chat, on site or in the comfort of our client's own workspace.

With so many online platforms available to boost your business, we help our clients explore them all! Get into blogging, creating content, social media, networking offline and online, website building and reframing, live streaming and more. Our social media management services support you from launching your business to launching your next big campaign.

​Combining our love and experience of social media and corporate events, Social Ocean also markets for business owners who host events with our powerful event marketing processes.

 Small workshops are often run on site at the Redcliffe office (max. 4), as well as publicly ticketed workshops across the year for both social media and event management.

We love exploring all the opportunities accessible and suited to your industry and organisation, to reflect who you are, what you do and how you can best serve your clients.

Contact Details

Address 43 Hulme Street, Clontarf, QLD, Australia, 4019
Phone 0732844585
Mobile 0413089778
Business Hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
