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Recent Episodes

Episode 10

Find out more about all things scaly in this month's Guidecast!

Episode 9

Enjoy our Christmas special GuideCast where we have an exclusive interview with Santa!

Episode 8 - October 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 7 - September 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 6 - August 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 5 - July 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 4 - June 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 3 - May 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 2 - April 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!

Episode 1: March 2023

'GuideCast' is a light and informative monthly podcast bringing you interviews with some of our extraordinary locals together with highlights of what's happening in your community!