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New Group Gets Crafty

Published On : Apr 25, 2019
New Group Gets Crafty
A new craft group is fostering more than creativity on the Peninsula. The Wednesday morning craft group held at Encircle's Neighbourhood Centre provides an opportunity to explore different crafts, regardless of experience, and meet new people.

The craft group started meeting in February, and group organiser, Maria Mijts, said the group provided a relaxed morning of craft. (Our purpose is) to create a space for shared knowledge, skills and ideas. To facilitate an opportunity to meet and socialise with other community members, Maria said.

Maria said anyone was welcome to join the group, with crafts depending on the skills and interests of participants. In the first few weeks of craft club, we have done card-making as well as Macramé (a textile knotting technique), keyrings and dream-catchers.

The group meets for two hours and works on craft activities led by a volunteer facilitator. Members may also bring their own individual crafts to work on and share.

Tea, coffee and morning tea are available with participants asked to donate a gold coin each week to help cover costs.

For more information, search for Wednesday Morning Craft Group on Facebook.

Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
Encircle Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre
Lamington Drive, Redcliffe