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Humpybong Creek's Makeover To Improve Water Quality

Story: Kylie Fennell | Photo: slapics
Published On : Feb 23, 2019
Humpybong Creek
Humpybong Creek's half-million dollar makeover will aim to improve water quality, with flow-on amenity and recreational benefits for residents and park users.   

Stage one of the project starts next month, with the construction of a sediment basin and drainage channel improvements.

Council Spokesperson for Asset Construction and Maintenance, Cr Adam Hain, said the main objective was to improve water quality in the creek, downstream of Oxley Avenue, by reducing the volume of sediment entering the waterway and lakes downstream.

We'll also invest in improving the drainage channel itself so that ongoing maintenance is easier for council crews,ť Cr Hain said.

Division 6 Councillor, Koliana Winchester, said the project would be completed in three stages to manage the substantial costs with the first stage, due for completion in July 2019.

When we get to Stages two and three, locals can expect to see more beautification of the area with the removal of weeds, bank stabilisation and landscaping,ť Cr Winchester said.

A council spokesperson went on to highlight the importance of this project in improving water quality.

The lakes exhibit poor water quality and aquatic weed infestations, which are attributed to untreated stormwater inflows and the accumulation of organic sediments within the system. Maintenance access into the system is also limited by the steep edge profiles and physical barriers to movement.ť

The work aims to create a healthier, balanced ecosystem leading to benefits for residents and park users, as well as a direct and positive impact on Moreton Bay.

The Stage one rectification work will cover the section of Humpybong Creek from Oxley Avenue to the first weir, with the installation of a sediment basin to collect sediments and litter coming from the upper catchment, naturalisation of the creek line down to Anzac Avenue, and the construction of access improvements to facilitate maintenance by council crews. Stages two and three will complete the works down to Anzac Avenue.

Australian Wetlands Landscapes QLD Pty Ltd was awarded the tender to deliver the project and will be required to submit an environmental management plan.

The contractor must also comply with relevant State Government environmental policies, including managing sediment and erosion controls.