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The Radiators!

Story: Story Donna Roberts
Published On : Oct 29, 2018
The Radiators!
This year marks the 40th anniversary of The Radiators, one of Australia's hardest-working bands. Formed in September 1978, the band have had many highs in their multi-decade career, even knocking Michael Jackson's Thriller album off the top of the charts, in 1983. They are headed to our shores again, to perform at the Redcliffe Leagues Club on Friday 23rd November. And the best thing is¦you can see them for free!

We sat down with the band's drummer, Mark Lucas, to ask all the hard questions.

Is it hard to keep energy levels up after so long touring?

Travelling so much can drain you at times but you feed off the crowd energy, and collapse after the show!

What changes have you noticed in your fans over the years?

A lot of the fans have aged with us and still keep coming and bringing younger fans in so these days we see old faces and young faces whereas in in the old old days it was no one over 30.

Did you ever think Gimme Head would have so much staying power?

Gimme Head wasn't even on the first album. It was a bonus single and live favourite that quickly got repackaged!

How would you describe the ageing process of the band?

It's more like owning a classic muscle car and taking it out on weekends to do burnouts than a fine wine I reckon.

It's been 40 years since your first show¦what's your most memorable gigging moment?

So many memorable moments but it's the benefit concerts that stand out when we get to hang with all our mates backstage and have a great night, put on a great show for a cause or friend in need.

What is your favourite song to play live?

Room Full of Diamonds

If you were given the chance to play music with anyone, who would you pick?

The Who would be my choice.

Of recent bands in the music scene, who do you think most embodies the spirit of The Radiators?

I think it's hard for a band to have the same spirit of the Radiators, because the gigs and venues are just not there for them to have it.

What do you enjoy about coming back to Redcliffe?

I've always loved Redcliffe since the early days. We've always had great loyal crowds who ROCK as hard as we do!

The Radiators

Redcliffe Leagues Club Legends Lounge

Friday 23rd November, 8pm

This is a FREE! event