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Podcast Of The Month: Binge This

Story: Nick Allford
Published On : Oct 22, 2020
PODCAST of the Month: Binge This
Why is there nothing good to watch? This has to be one of the most commonly asked questions (especially during lockdown), despite having more choice than ever before.

So, who better to offer their insights into the world of television and movies than Brisbane TV professionals Olly, Lia, and JT, who have teamed up to create their discussion podcast titled Binge This. Together they have sat through hours of shows ' the good, the bad and the Tiger King ' to let you know if it's worth investing your precious time watching.

As we watch shows at our own pace, whenever and wherever we like, it's nice after a hard binge session to listen to three mates offer their opinions, usually with vastly different takes on the same series. Especially after sitting bleary-eyed through a doco that's left you with more questions than answers.

Not ones to limit themselves, the trio keeps things current by talking pop culture and entertainment news. They also unearth hidden nuggets of gold sunk at the bottom of the ever-increasing streams on offer, that may have otherwise passed you by. It might be too 'meta' but I recommend you binge this podcast.