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Pointing The Way To Good Food At Centrepoint

Story: Kelly Livett | Photo: Pete Johnson
Published On : Aug 20, 2020
Pointing  The Way to  Good Food at Centrepoint
Redcliffe is often compared to the north shore of Sydney for its proximity to Brisbane, great beaches and restaurants. Phil Moschella from the Moschella Group is looking to add to the Peninsula's many tourist food options with a new food centre located on the corner of Oxley Avenue and Wighton Street in Margate called Centrepoint. With the development in the local area including the new petrol station and the growth of businesses in Wighton, Baynes and Beaconsfield streets, Phil is confident the addition of Centrepoint will be The number one be seen spot for food and fun.

When Centrepoint opens it will have different food options and will offer a courtyard for customers to sit and enjoy their meals. The food available at Centrepoint is to be varied and multicultural. The food choices are expected to include Asian food vendors, a deli, a cafe, an ice cream shop and much more. Phil said, I truly believe Centrepoint will become a little town centre of activity.

Part of the plans for Centrepoint includes a street market once a month on either a Friday or Saturday night. The markets are expected to be filled with different types of food stalls and vendors for everyone to enjoy as well as a welcoming environment for people to come and share the relaxed Peninsula atmosphere.

In the process of setting up Centrepoint as a hotspot, Phil has started talks and taken steps to address some of the current issues he believes will affect visitors flowing into the Margate area. Phil started a petition to erect lighting along the stretch of road between the Deagon Deviation and the bridge. He is also in discussions with the council to light up the oftentimes dark areas around Oxley Avenue in Margate with better lighting for the public.

If you are interested in being a food vendor at Centrepoint, or have any other enquiries you can contact the Moschella Group by email at or you can follow their Facebook page by typing Centrepoint Margate into the Facebook search bar.