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An Artist's Adventure Into Self

Published On : Feb 20, 2020
An Artist
Margate artist Monica Batiste has been painting as long as she can remember.

I loved drawing as a child, so my pursuit of art has been a natural progression,¯ Monica said.

Recently she completed a 1.8m portrait of Redcliffe movie producer and author Richard Lancaster. Monica entitled the work  'The Storyteller. Portrait of Richard Lancaster'.

I chose Richard for my subject as he is a catalyst for promoting the arts in Redcliffe, and encouraging artists to strive for excellence. He is also an artist himself,¯' she said.

 A ghostly image of Queensland's longest serving Premier, the late Sir Joh Bjelke-Peterson, appears in the portrait's background.

Richard developed a Queensland celebrity management agency 'Frontline Celebrities` in the 1980s and Sir Joh was his last client. Richard assisted him as a client during the tumultuous Fitzgerald Enquiry.¯

Monica said her painting process usually began with a lot of sketches and interviews. I learn a lot about my subject this way,¯ she said.

She describes her style as traditional with contemporary fantasy realism¯.

The fantasy realism I include in my paintings is how I see things, or how I want to see the things that are around us,¯ she said.

I've always loved traditional art, impressionism and post-impressionism. I try to stay true
to myself by making the mark that needs to be made no matter how afraid I am to do it.

Being an artist is an adventure into oneself and displaying that self for the world to see. Sometimes we are judged for not making the kind of art that others think we should, and
sometimes we are misunderstood. But all of art is art, and everyone deserves the chance to be heard.

I seek to paint people that have made a difference to the world.¯

Monica studied art at the Atelier in Brisbane and has a home studio/gallery in Margate where her work is on display. She is also an accomplished yoga instructor and an author of several books on the subject. Monica is working on several film projects as well.  

You can find out more about Monica and her art at or via Facebook.