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Threads Of History Weave Fascinating Tales

Story: Sally Eberhardt | Photo: Ben McShea
Published On : Jan 24, 2020
Threads of History Weave Fascinating Tales
Imagine being a modern teenager transported back through time, to ensure that specific historical events happen, and knowing that the fate of the world as you know it is in your hands.

That is the premise of Redcliffe author, Jodie Lane's popular 'Turning Points' series, which concludes with the final book 'The Heart and Stomach of a Queen' being launched this month.

Jodie said that she is inspired by history and travel, both of which she loves.

The books are written for anyone who loves a bit of history and adventure, as well as queer people who don't often get to see themselves in a mainstream genre.

I studied history at school and university, and I've travelled extensively to every continent except Antarctica.

I don't need to make up the incredible events I write about - the stories are already there, just waiting to be told in a different way.

Jodie started writing seriously six years ago when a colleague asked whether she liked the idea of being a writer more than she liked writing.

That embarrassed me into dedicating myself to a project, which became my first novel, 'The Siege of Masada, Jodie said.

The next books in this time travel adventure series were 'Transylvanian Knight', 'To Kill an Emperor' and 'Renaissance Woman', all centred around real historical events.

Avoiding plot holes was the hardest thing about writing a series, according to Jodie.

I had to increase the challenges to my characters whilst obeying my own rules of time travel.

I'm going to miss the characters, but some of the most-loved will live on in short stories.

Jodie's advice to aspiring authors is to find people who give good feedback.

Good feedback gives you direction to improve.

Jodie looks forward to sharing her writing journey at the book launch.

All the books in the series will be available at the event or bring your own copy along to be signed. The event is free but registration is required.

Register on ' search for Jodie Lane.

Meet the Author: Jodie Lane
Saturday 29 February, 2-3pm
Redcliffe Library
476 Oxley Avenue, Redcliffe