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Increased Penalties For Distracted Drivers

Story: Kelly Livett
Published On : Jan 24, 2020
From the 1 February 2020 the penalties associated with using a mobile phone when driving, reading or sending texts, answering a phone with anything other than a legal hands-free device or changing music while driving will attract a $1000 fine and four demerit points. This is increased from the previous penalty for the same infringement which was $400 and three demerit points.

In addition, if this is the second infringement within a 12 month period, you will receive a second $1000 fine and double demerit points.

The Queensland Transport Minister Mark Bailey said in a public statement on the 9 December 2019 that the Queensland government would trial the use of mobile detection camera's on Queensland roads.

Mr Bailey stated, Penalties go hand in hand with enforcement and under the new action plan the Department of Transport and Main Roads will work with Queensland Police to trial cameras which detect drivers using mobile phones.

For more information about mobile phone traffic laws, distracted driving and the change in penalties you can go the Queensland Government page or the Transport department website and search mobile phones on either website.