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Have A Wow Of A Time At Giggle Trivia

Story: Sally Eberhardt
Published On : Jun 22, 2019
Have a WOW of a Time at Giggle Trivia
Tuesday nights at the Bramble Bay Bowls Club are the highlight of the week for trivia lovers and those who just want to have fun.

Young Henry's Giggle Trivia Show will have you forgetting all your cares as you laugh and sing and try to answer crazy questions.

Bramble Bay Bowls Club manager, Natalie Joy, said the style and format were much more exciting than your average trivia and there were lots of prizes up for grabs.

It's a two-hour show that's very interactive, and comedy based. You'll be dancing, singing along to some of the worst songs in history and laughing all night long.

The Giggle Trivia host, Scott, is professional and charismatic, with high energy fun from start to finish!

Many people win, with heaps of giveaways and raffles. The smartest almost never wins, Natalie said.

Teams of two or even one have just as much chance of winning as bigger teams.

Bookings are not essential but do turn up early to ensure a table. Find out more via

Young Henry's Giggle Trivia Show
Every Tuesday 7pm-9.15pm
Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Cnr Hornibrook Esplanade and Victoria Avenue, Woody Point