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Local Help Needed For Annual Appeal

Story: Wayne I Flack
Published On : Apr 25, 2019
Local Help Needed for Annual Appeal
Can you spare a few hours or dollars to make a real difference? The Salvation Army is holding its annual Red Shield Doorknock Appeal and they need your help, now more than ever.

David Jiear, Red Shield coordinator for the Redcliffe area said many families on the Peninsula were doing it tough, placing the Salvation Army's services under increasing pressure. 

We are asking people to help those Aussies in desperate need by lending a hand and supporting the Redcliffe Red Shield Doorknock Appeal,ť David said.

Apart from donating, you could volunteer to be a doorknocker, to collect donations. You could sign up with a family member, a friend or two, call on your sporting teammates or even get some of your work colleagues together.

In just a couple of hours, you could give hope where it's needed by collecting funds for our services,ť David said.

The funds you help raise will go towards a range of services including grocery vouchers, meals for the hungry, beds for people experiencing homelessness and refuge for those fleeing abuse. 

Volunteer as a doorknocker via

The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
Saturday 25 May and Sunday 26 May