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Help Local Author Solve Photo Mystery

Story: Sally Eberhardt
Published On : Apr 25, 2019
Help Local Author Solve Photo Mystery
An old photo of a family enjoying a day out at Suttons Beach in 1917 has Duane Hart, historian, photographer and author, wondering exactly whose faces he has carefully restored. 

Duane, who is the author of The Pictorial History of Redcliffe, was given the image for inclusion in the second volume of his book.

Many local people have contributed to the book and we like to acknowledge them with a mention. However, the lady who kindly donated this photo left before we got her name or the name of the family in the photo,ť Duane said.

There are people in this area whose families have been here for generations. The family in the photo have quite distinctive features ' someone will know who they are.ť

Duane hails from New Zealand. He travelled the world for two decades, as a professional photographer, before deciding to settle in Redcliffe. He started his business, Peninsula Framing and Laminating 25 years ago.

I wouldn't live anywhere else, it's such a great and safe place for families. We love being so close to the beach too,ť Duane said.

That love of the area combined with an interest in old postcards and maps was the catalyst for his book, The Pictorial History of Redcliffe. The first edition, Volume 1, went quickly and Volume 2 was released last year.

Volume 2 came about because people heard of the first volume and then brought photos and memorabilia to the shop.ť

Duane added the contributed photos to a slideshow on his website ( with some of the images going into his books.

(For Volume 2) I did more research and added indigenous, convict and explorers' histories and maps. There are some fascinating stories and images ' it shows how the place has changed.ť

Many old photos are in poor condition and Duane has restored and colourised many images himself ' one example of his expertise is the mysterious Suttons Beach image.

If you have any helpful information about this image, contact Duane on 0416 153 833 or pop in to Peninsula Framing and Laminating, 132 Sutton Street, Redcliffe.