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Drive Your Boat To The Beach

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Feb 23, 2019
Drive Your Boat to the Beach
Next time you visit our local beaches, keep an eye out for one of the coolest and most innovative products you're likely to see. It's an incredible amphibious watercraft, designed and built by Clontarf business, Stryda Marine Australia (SMA), and it's going to be seen on the water (and land) this year.

SMA Director, Warren Farr, said it's been a exciting setting up a boat building business on the peninsula, The proximity of the water and a boating culture make for an easy integration.¯

Warren said that SMA was inspired to design and build an amphibious watercraft out of the frustrations associated with boat trailers.

The idea of an amphibious craft was conceived to give boating the maximum enjoyment without the hassles of traditional trailer boats. Encouraging spontaneity and more time on the water was the key point on the design brief,¯ Warren said.

Stryda Crafts are primarily designed for recreational use, however the hull is designed so it can be configured into various layouts including search and rescue.¯

Warren predicts that 2019 will be a big year for SMA, We plan to launch some exciting models in the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show. SMA has had a lot of interest in the 600C amphibious catamaran, so a focus on manufacturing is one key focus in 2019.

We would like to produce two boats a month... so, we will be looking to employ staff in the first quarter of this year,¯ Warren said.

The boats come in a standard configuration but can be personalised, with various available options that can be selected to optimise the boat for the user.¯

Stryda craft were initially designed in New Zealand, where they were conceived to provide an amphibious catamaran option to the market. SMA started business in Australia in August 2018, because of potential opportunities in the local market.