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The Sapphires Set To Shine

Story: Donna Roberts
Published On : Feb 23, 2019
The Sapphires Set to Shine
The Redcliffe Entertainment Centre will explode when one of Australia's best-loved stories hits town on its first major regional tour in March.

'The Sapphires' tells the story of four young women from regional Australia, who get the chance to change their tune, their clothes and their lives.

The play was inspired by the true story of Tony Briggs' mother. Set in 1968, during landmark changes to Aboriginal rights, the story follows the lives of four talented Yorta Yorta women who form a singing group, are discovered by a talent scout in St Kilda and travel to Vietnam to sing classic soul hits for the troops.

The current tour is the most ambitious one yet, reaching more than 140 locations and covering the length and breadth of Australia.

Writer and director, Tony Briggs, has fulfilled the challenge of bringing this fantastic tale to the screen, and the story has already won multiple awards as a play, film and soundtrack album.

I hope the audience will feel a fresh sense of connection to a story that has already successfully infiltrated the psyche of the Australian theatre and movie going public, and get a sense of joy and understanding of who Aboriginal people are, and walk away from The Sapphires with a smile on their faces, Tony said.

My hope is that they are offered a uniquely thrilling, up close and personal experience designed for people who want a fresh theatrical experience with a show that explores the power of love and family bonds in the middle of a senseless war.

Audiences will be treated to a talented young ensemble of first nation performers in all the Indigenous Australian roles.

Bryce Hallett from the Sydney Morning Herald, reviewed the show and described it as A gem of a play.

Briggs mixes facts and fiction to lay bare and flesh out his celebratory tale, which although political in patches, is focused on the personal, Bryce said.

The Sapphires is heartfelt and joyous. Superb!

For more information and tickets for the event via

The Sapphires
Saturday, 23 March, 2pm and 7pm
Redcliffe Entertainment Centre