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Quota's Christmas Festival Of Trees!

Story: Story Sharon France | Photo: Ben McShea
Published On : Nov 28, 2018
We've been going for three years, but this year, things are a little bit different, a bit more exciting and will span two days! enthuses Avril Kent of Quota International's Redcliffe Branch.

She is of course referring to the annual Christmas Festival of Treeson again, this year at the Redcliffe Showgrounds.

Christmas is all about children, says Avril, and we've found in previous years that our young people are very busy with activities, particularly on a Saturday. Our best solution, so children could come and see these beautiful trees, was to make it a two-day event.

Quota's Christmas Festival of Trees attracts entries from businesses, community groups, schools and a growing number of early childhood centres. Each group supplies and decorates its own treeor other object in a theme of their choosing. Avril hopes that this year there will be 40-plus creations on display!

I marvel at the imagination and inventiveness of groups and their approach. The winners of our first-ever event was a dental practice. Their 'tree' was entirely constructed of inflated blue, rubber gloves, you know the ones that dentists wear, and decorated with things like toothbrushes and floss and such ¦ it was incredibly effective!

And with the event taking on new dimensions, we have decided to increase the catering. We will have a sausage sizzle, sandwiches and Devonshire teas on both days. There will also be around a dozen craft stalls where you can buy wonderful gifts for Christmas and, on the Sunday, we will have a special activity corner, where children can come and make their own decorations.

A $5 entry for adults (children are free) makes this is a great, value-for-money family activity. All visitors get to vote for the 'People's Choice' tree, with the overall winner decided by a panel of judges.

Proceeds from the event will be donated to Drought Relief.
Christmas Festival of Trees
Webb Hall, Redcliffe Showgrounds
Saturday, 8 and Sunday 9 December, 9am to 3pm
If you are a group interested in submitting a tree, you may not be too late!
Email for more details.