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Issi Still Busy After fifty Years!

Story: Sharon France
Published On : Nov 28, 2018
Issi still busy after fifty years!
How does anyone stay in one career for half a century?

Well with show business, you just have to know your tradereally know your stuff and well, after a while, things just get easier,¯ explains Issi Dyea veteran of Australian Rock and Roll since the 60s.

It's been a long and interesting careernever a real job in the traditional sense,¯ he continues. It really keeps you on your toes but you do need a lot of discipline.¯

That all adds up, when you look at Issi's busy schedule as well as the myriad of acts he manages around this wide, brown land of ours. The best bit is that in January, we get to experience this Aussie troubadour, centre-stage, in a very special production.

It's been forty years since Johnny O'Keefe passed away and I have developed a show around the man I like to refer to as 'Australia's Elvis',¯ Issi enthuses, ¦a tribute to honour the great JO'K.

The audience can expect to step back in time and be taken on a journey. The show is full of hitsboth JO'K's and his contemporaries'all fully costumed, and with a wonderful narrative running from start to finish.

It's my way of paying my respects to an old friend in the best way I know how. JO'K was really popular, particularly in south-east Queensland, and this will be a real nostalgia trip for those who loved music from the 50s through to the early 70s!¯

When I ask Issi if there was a special song that somehow sums up the show, he is very reflective and then offers: How about one of JO'K's best known balladsI'm Counting on You?¯ Tingles run down my spinethat was one of my mum's favourites!

I'll be up on stage, delivering the best show I can, to the people of Redcliffe, and I'm counting on them to come and remember this golden age of Australian Rock and Roll with me.¯
Issi Dye presents A Tribute to Johnny O'Keefe and Legends of Rock and Roll Music

Redcliffe Cultural Centre
Wednesday, 23 January from 11:00am
Cost: $20.00