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Community Knits Together

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Oct 29, 2018
Community knits together
Have a yarn and warm some hearts as Redcliffe Museum invites residents to participate in the first Close-Knit Christmas Tree project.

Councillor for Division 6, Koliana Winchester, said the venture, which was initially stitched up by Redcliffe Museum and Redcliffe Cultural Centre volunteer Letha Thomas, brings passionate knitters and novices together in the festive spirit.

If you love to knit or crochet or want to learn, then this is a dream opportunity to have some fun with like-minded people and hone your skills before Christmas, she said.

To haveyour handmade Christmas ornaments hung on the community Christmas tree will be a fantastic way to celebrate your talent and put a smile on so many faces.

The Redcliffe Tree will be located inside the Redcliffe Museum throughout December.

To participate, contact Redcliffe Museum on ph. 3883 1898 to register your interest and learn more then you can start knitting.

Redcliffe Museum

75 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe

Tuesday to Thursday: 2'4pm