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Competition Ramps Up

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Oct 29, 2018
Competition ramps up
Show off and test out your best skateboard and scooter skills at the Redcliffe Skate Park later this month.

In an effort to bring more riders back to the once-popular Redcliffe park, Redcliffe Area Youth Space is hosting a Scooter and Skate Competition on November 24.

The full day competition is being co-ordinated by skate shop Ride Supplies, one of three social enterprises run through the youth centre.

Redcliffe Area Youth Space social enterprise co-ordinator Ashlee Hall says the competition is open to all ages and skill levels and will be split into three divisions; Under 12, 12-17 years and Over 17.

It will be a really supportive competition,'' Ashlee says.

It's really about community and building networks with some of the young people that come down here.''

Ashlee says it is hoped the competition will renew interest in the Redcliffe Skate Park on Oxley Avenue.

Recently we've seen a lack of people down at the skate park,'' Ashlee says.

We are really trying to revitalise the skate park and bring people back to the local Redcliffe park.

It's a pretty cool park. We are hoping to bring back some good vibes and a positive atmosphere.''

Ride Supplies was set up in 2012 to cater to one of the centre's niche markets young people who ride skate boards and scooters. The shop is run by some of the youth centre's SQW (Skilling Queenslanders for Work) participants.

Competition organisers aim to create a fun, family atmosphere on the day; If you're not competing, you can still check out the riders' talents and enjoy the jumping castles, raffles and grub, complete with popcorn, snow cones and fairy floss.

There will be loads of great prizes to be won across division winners and trick competitions.

Some of our own personalised signature decks from the shop are going to be given away. There will be loads of hardware for skate boards and scooters up for grabs,'' Ashlee says.

The event will run 9am-3pm on Saturday, November 24. Entry is $10 for all divisions. Register on the day.

For more information or to get involved, contact Redcliffe Area Youth Space on ph. 3283 8769.