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The Proposal Dinner Show

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Feb 28, 2018
THE PROPOSAL is a concept show devised and directed by Madeleine Johns and centers around the theme of love, relationships and the proposal.

Madeleine has taken excerpts from famous plays, or musicals and linked them with song and dance reflective of the theme. During the run of the show you will be served with a delicious 2-course meal and coffee and our friendly bar staff will be available during the evening to serve you with drinks.

Act One comprises of short scenes; Man's Best Friendť the bride and groom on their way to their honeymoon hotel after their Wedding Breakfast; 'The Importance of Being Ernest' witness Jack's proposal to Gwendolen, and her mother (Lady Bracknell's) very famous response. The London drawing room of Prof Henry Higgins on the day that Eliza Doolittle calls with her proposal that he make her a lady in a flower shop by teaching her to speak more genteel. And Romeo and Juliet in their famous balcony scene.

Act 2 opens with a scene from Private Lives by Noel Coward where passion, laughter, romance, anger, and love set the stage for a battle of the sexes between divorced couple Amanda and Elyot. Then, another pair of jilted lovers Katisha and Koko from The Mikado. Koko needs to divert Katisha's love for Nanki-Poo, or face certain death. A scene from Macbeth follows with a lovers tryst based on a very dark proposal that of murdering the current king in order for Macbeth to take his place. Rounding out the evening is a very touching scene called Resting Placeť an old married couple discuss the highlights of their day at the local cemetery, on their way home from shopping.

Performance Dates: Various dates throughout March. Visit website for bookings and dates: