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New Monthly Mingle

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Jul 26, 2017
New Monthly Mingle
The Redcliffe Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

has an exciting new monthly event on their calendar:

Every third Thursday of the month, RPCC will hold a get together at the Belvedere Hotel, Woody Point, for business owners and associates.

This is a great opportunity for like-minded people to meet up in a social environment to establish and foster relationships that will only enhance business on the Peninsula and in the local area.

RPCC is an active group of compatible business people who are dedicated to their mission of empowering entrepreneurs through sharing information and collaborating on projects together. This group is passionate about the evolution of business. We facilitate meaningful and relevant connections between businesses and our community through networking at our various functions, explains RPCC member, Brad Flynn.

In March of this year, RPCC released their 20 Year Vision for the Redcliffe Peninsula: to become Queensland's number one place to combine lifestyle and business. This was a public presentation which established the baseline for where we are now and defined a clear pathway to make the vision a reality, says Brad. The event was attended by more than 100 locals who believe in the Chamber's vision and want to become involved in making it a reality for themselves and future generations. Establishing the Monthly Mingle was established as part of achieving this goal.

The Monthly Mingle is a networking event open to anyone who has an interest in helping to create relationships and connections in local business. There are no speakers or formalised activities; rather, it is simply a chance for people to get together and make meaningful business connections. Drinks and food will be provided by the Belvedere Hotel at no cost, and entry to the event is free.

Next Monthly Mingle

Thursday 17th August

Time: 5pm-7pm

Location: Belvedere Hotel,

Woody Point

Cost: Free