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Picnic Hill Turns One

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Jun 27, 2017
Picnic Hill Turns ONE
Picnic Hill is celebrating its 1st Birthday on July 14. 

The Redcliffe Area Youth Space (aka RAYS) is extremely thankful and humbled by the continuing community support Picnic Hill has received over the last 12 months.

Picnic Hill is much more than a Family Friendly Food Truck Festival, with live entertainment and street art that comes to life on the second Friday of every month. 

Picnic Hill has enabled RAYS to continue to provide support and assistance to vulnerable young people and their families. 

It has kept Young People busy on a Friday night by providing them with an opportunity to gain skills and confidence. Picnic Hill has also been fantastic at giving our young people a sense of belonging, increasing their social inclusion and capital. 

Over the past year, 31 trainees have participated in the State Government's Skilling Queenslanders for Work Initiative at RAYS. It was these young people who created, built, worked and marketed Picnic Hill. Of the 31 young people enrolled, 29 have found employment due to the confidence, skills and networking that Picnic Hill has created. 

We have raised over $30,000 for our service to continue to support young people and their families at risk throughout Moreton Bay and North Brisbane. 

The money that has been raised has gone towards crisis accommodation, emergency relief, domestic and family violence, school and sporting fees, counselling, AOD and mental health support, drivers licences and much more.