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Build A Gingerbread House Together

Story: Sally Eberhardt
Published On : Nov 19, 2021
Build a Gingerbread House Together
Christmas conjures thoughts of special treats, beautiful decorations, and time with the family. Well, here's a way to combine all three!

Think about all the fun and laughter your family would have as they construct and adorn a cute gingerbread house complete with snow, windows, and doors.

Kahla Johnson of Mueller Community Church said building a gingerbread house was a great way to spend time with family. 

Little ones love to help decorate the houses and sneak a few lollies too,ť she said. 

Even if there is a crooked wall or wobbly chimney, the fact it has been made with people you love makes any house special. Or if in doubt add a dinosaur!ť

Gingerbread house kits are available from retailers like Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, Spotlight and some online stores. There are even kits for building a gingerbread train or reindeer. Kits typically contain gingerbread parts, icing and lollies.

If you would like to create your beautiful gingerbread house from scratch, Google 'make a gingerbread house' for some great recipes and decorating ideas.

Whichever you choose, feel the joy and watch the kids' faces light up like Christmas trees as you all take part in this bonding Yuletide activity.