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Delicious Food Your Grandma Used To Make

Story: Alyssa Mackay
Published On : Sep 28, 2021
Delicious Food Your Grandma Used to Make
Woody Point food writer and photographer Julia Lewis knows happy memories as well as delicious meals are made in grandma's kitchen.

Julia pays tribute to the special recipes that have been passed down through generations of families in her new food blog, Recipes on Paper.

The idea came from a combination of Julia's two loves, food and oldies (or Goldies, as she affectionately calls the guests on her blog).

The aim of Recipes on Paper is to encourage the community to engage more with the older generation and to pinch those delicious, foolproof recipes they have been cooking for decades, she said.

I originally wanted to start with a series of short videos, then the pandemic hit and it became hard to visit potential Goldies. That's when I thought of starting an online gallery of stories, interviews and recipes.

Julia said she was inspired by the close relationship she had with her own grandmothers. 

I would especially watch my maternal grandmother cook in the kitchen, she said. I would go to her house in the afternoon and if I had a bad day at school, she would whip me up something and it just made everything better.

Recipes on Paper profiles one new Goldie each week, and focuses on recipes from the region. The online gallery showcases Julia's photos of produce sourced from the Redcliffe Seaside Markets and local stores.

This food blog will modernise and bring to life the diverse meals that are cooked in our wonderful community here on the Redcliffe Peninsula, Julia said.

If you are or know a Goldie and would like to share a recipe, Julia would love to hear from you.

Whether it be a sauce, jam, or even a great sandwich combo, the aim is to showcase all types of food from different cultures, she said.

I already have 12 recipes lined up so it's very exciting that people have had such a positive response to it.

One day, Julia hopes to see the Goldies and their recipes turned into a published book.

That is the goal, she said. It's called Recipes on Paper after all.

To visit the Goldies and to submit your own recipe go to