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Let's Play At Murrumba Drama Festival

Story: Sally Eberhardt | Photo: Kyle Head from Unsplash
Published On : May 25, 2021
Looking for some good drama in your life? This drama festival will hit the spot. Mousetrap Theatre's 44th Murrumba Drama Festival is a favourite competition for directors, writers, and actors to perform in front of an audience and experienced adjudicators.

Festival coordinator Barb Wainwright said the event attracted people from all over South East Queensland every year and also had a great local following.

Competitors, families, and the audience love the high quality of the plays," Barb said. "Many genres are performed including comedy, and there are various length plays all competing to be recognised as the best.

The festival will open on Friday, 18 June, with an open session. The Saturday morning and afternoon sessions will feature children and youth performers, while the Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon sessions will feature adults.

Trophies will be presented at the Sunday evening supper for all performers, as well as cash prizes for the best three plays.

Refreshments can be purchased at the canteen. Tickets can be purchased at the door: $12 for adults and $7 for youth. Discount season tickets will also be available. For information and entry forms, phone Barb Wainwright on 0421 987 330 or email

Murrumba Drama Festival
Friday, 18 June - Sunday 20 June
Mousetrap Theatre Company
1 Lamington Drive, Redcliffe