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Club Renovation Progressing Well

Published On : Sep 24, 2020
Club Renovation Progressing Well
The Redcliffe Surf Lifesaving Club renovations are coming along nicely and will provide valuable new space for the club to expand its operations.

RSLSC lifesavers patrol 2.5 km of coastline from Suttons Beach to Scotts Point and are an integral part of the Queensland emergency services community.

The Morrison Government committed to the expansion project as part of the Community Development Grants Programme to support local jobs and to improve local amenities and facilities for all ages.

The 2020/21 season is set to be a huge one with nipper sign-ups already at capacity; with measures in place for everyone's safety in relation to COVID-19.

Head down early on Sunday morning from 8:30am and watch the wonderful work of our volunteers who take the pink-vested nippers through beach sprints, flags and relay training, surf swimming and board racing. The energy and enthusiasm of the club is wonderful for our community.