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Balancing Business And Babies

Story: Donna Roberts | Photo: Bruce Redman
Published On : Aug 20, 2020
Balancing Business and Babies
Not content with running her own successful businesses while raising her three young daughters, she is now helping others achieve their own success as a business coach.

As a result of her selflessness and business prowess, she has been named a dual finalist in the 2020 AusMumpreneur Awards, to be announced at an online event in September.

The AusMumpreneur Awards celebrate and recognise Australian mums achieving outstanding business success.

Lyla is a finalist in both the 'Hair and Beauty' and 'Product Innovation' categories and will be interviewed by a panel of independent judges.

She enjoys the benefits that come from balancing business and motherhood.

I love setting powerful examples to my children, Lyla said.

Business is challenging; however, motherhood is a whole new ball game.

My biggest advice is to not lose focus on the real importance in life - family first, then small steps thereafter to building your enterprise.

After spending twenty years in the hair industry, buying and selling her own salons, Lyla has now transitioned into supporting other women to grow their businesses.

Business takes time, it can also lead you in all types of directions, Lyla said.

Don't be afraid to look at what is waiting behind those doors - take your time, be confident in what you offer and seek advice and support from others in similar positions as you.

In addition to her business support role, Lyla has also recently released a hair care range - Mamako - to support women going through hormonal hair loss, which is now stocked in multiple hair salons.

This year, Lyla is hoping to be approved for a government grant which will enable her to put together a program for women less fortunate to be able to complete the education fundamentals in hair and beauty and become employable.

I am here, I am present, I love showing up and setting examples and making change, Lyla said.

Check out Lyla's range at or contact Lyla through her website

You can read more about the awards at