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The Guardian Project - Taking The Heat Out Of Separation

Story: Sally Eberhardt | Photo: Sally Eberhardt
Published On : Apr 08, 2020
The Guardian Project - Taking The Heat Out of Separation
Life doesn't always work out as hoped. Many people face breakdown of a relationship at least once in their lives. It's not always possible to have a 'clean break', particularly when children are involved. Some people struggle to maintain civil communication, and text messages sent in anger can lead to further degeneration of the relationship.

Ryan Elson, founder of Tribe Social Belonging, noticed many people dealing with daily abuse via their phone. Witnessing a woman receiving a constant stream of abusive text messages from her ex-partner was the catalyst for The Guardian Project.

I was sitting with a young friend,
her phone going berserk with disgusting abuse from her ex. I knew I had to find
a better way. They have to communicate as they have kids, Ryan said.

Ryan and his friend Drew Ranken collaborated to solve the problem of taking the aggression out of communications and created The Guardian Project.

The Guardian Project is a mobile app which filters messages and blocks any that are flagged as abusive. The sender is then informed that the message was not sent and the intended receiver never sees the abusive message or even knows that an abusive message was sent. This alleviates anxiety on the receiver's end.

Ryan said they see the app as like putting out a fire as soon as it starts.

Like a fire, if you catch things at the point of ignition, they are much easier to control. Guardian stops the fire and heat of potentially damaging messages.

People overreact, tensions are high. People say stupid things after drinking or in anger. I don't want to see the rest of their relationship ruined in that moment.

You could still block the person on other forms but if you want to communicate, this lets you do it without anxiety.

While The Guardian Project is designed for separated couples, it's also suitable for other situations e.g. estranged family members, social workers with difficult clients, schools, or child bullying issues.

The app is available on GooglePlay and Apple Store or for further information, go to