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Web Agents North Lakes

Web Agents North Lakes is a full-service Digital Marketing Agency.

Web Agents was born because of a great need in the market for an ethical digital marketing agency.

The founder, John Lagoudakis, was sick of hearing horror stories from friends and acquaintances about SEO companies that were charging thousands of dollars every month, and not delivering any results. Just false hopes and frustration.

So, what better way to fix this problem than by changing the market's expectations? That's why Web Agents always offers new clients a 2 week $1 trial, and no lock-in contracts.

We believe that clients should see results before they commit to pay, and that they always get great value.

Web Agents North Lakes is Google and Facebook certified. 

We are a one-stop, full-service digital marketing agency, offering website setup and support, SEO, paid advertising campaigns, social media, email marketing, graphics and copywriting.

Contact Details

Address North Lakes, QLD, Australia, 4509
