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Leanne Blaney - Adventure School for Women

Throughout the course of Leanne’s life and career, her name has become synonymous with transformation, learning and fun.

Leanne is one of the brightest minds in personal development today. She incorporates three key aspects, one being life-transforming skills, training and self-development as well as personal coaching and mentoring focusing on how a person can create a balanced, exciting and meaningful life.

Leanne loves helping people to discover their sparkle, their source of lightness, to ignite their lives and understand how to live a successful life.

She has contributed to the life success of many, inspiring them to their next level of development and personal victory.

Leanne’s life purpose is to cultivate solutions for women that want to develop their creativity, increase their personal passion, prioritise their self-care and live a purposefully balanced life to enhance the contribution they can make in this lifetime.

You can choose to focus on your business, relationships or personal development.  Generally, people find they end up working on all three key aspects.

Leanne will enable you to have a giant leap forward in your evolution and ensure you become an expert in your field of excellence - YOU.

You will walk away feeling refreshed, empowered, confident that you have a new deep understanding of your capability, more assured around how to add more value and guarantee your future, with an increased sense of self belief and self value.

Known for her practical, pragmatic approach, she has been described as compassionate, adventurous and empathic. 

Leanne is an expert in personal development, helping people escape their current thinking to experience the opportunities and possibilities that life can offer.

Contact Details

Address 8 Hulme Street, Clontarf, QLD, Australia, 4019
Mobile +61 412248448
Business Hours 0412248448