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For over 20 years, GKS Law has been providing quality legal services to clients in the Redcliffe and wider Moreton Bay Region.

Our philosophy at GKS Law is to partner with our clients to provide expert legal services and outstanding client service at competitive prices. We put our clients’ interests first and build long term relationships with the people and our community.

As a testament to this commitment, our firm has been built on trust and our reputation, with much of our work coming from existing clients and word of mouth referrals. We are proud of our reputation in the community and strive to put partnerships with people at the forefront of our actions.

Contact Details

Address 19 Creek Street, Redcliffe, QLD, Australia, 4020
Phone 07 3284 5093
Fax 07 3283 1367
Business Hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
