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Hating Alison Ashley' Tribute To Mousetrap's Own

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Jun 01, 2017
Hating Alison Ashley
Hating Alison Ashley is a tribute to one of Mousetrap's top directors, Sandra Hines, who passed away suddenly early this year.  

At the time she was working on a youth-only production of a 'Midsummer's Night Dream'. This play carries on her love of work with the theatre's youth with Tanja Stanley doing the honours in the director's chair. 

It is definitely a coming of age play with a grade 9 girl, Erica Yurken (Emma Hutt) nicknamed Yuk¯ by those who love and loathe her. Erica feels as though she is stuck in a family that doesn't appreciate her talent and excellence. Her school life is lacking severely as well, until a new teacher arrives. Erica sees Miss Belmont as someone who will recognize her for the great talent that she is.

This is until Alison Ashley (Tyallah Bullock) enters the picture. As a transfer student, the tall, skinny, blond, siren-like Alison is switched into Erica's class. Erica tries to make Alison her best friend but goes a little too far and ends up scaring Alison into staying away from her. To this, Erica decides that she actually hates Alison Ashley and goes on a rampage to outshine her at every opportunity that presents itself.

Erica's class goes on a week-long camping trip where they will also be performing a play at the end of the week for all of their family and loved ones. Seeing this as her big chance, Erica not only writes the play but she decides that she will be the lead character. It's not until she starts her first line in the first day of rehearsal that she learns she has a paralysing case of stage fright and cannot perform, and has Alison act as her stand-in until the big night when she plans to steal the show. Erica's perfect image of Alison is broken when she finds out that Alison's family is too busy for her and will not be attending the play. Erica then goes from hating Alison, to feeling bad for her and trying to help her.

Erica's stage fright is found out and after a humiliating rehearsal and she tries to run away only to be found by Miss Belmont and taken back to camp. Erica is banned from her own play because of her attempt at running away, the play goes off without a hitch, with Alison as the leading character. Just as the play concludes, Erica sneaks into the auditorium and is about to be reprimanded by Miss Belmont while the cast of her play are taking their bows, when Alison calls for applause for the director and writer, which happens to be Erica. Both Alison and Erica are recognized for their talents, the tension with Miss Belmont is sidestepped, and everyone leaves happy and fulfilled.

June 2,3,9 & 10 at 7.30pm and Matinees on June 4 & 11 at 2 pm

Tickets: $5 for children 14 and under,  $10 for children over 14, Concessions and Adults.

Bookings: 0439 954 719