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Connecting With The Spirit World: Charmaine Wilson

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Mar 29, 2017
Connecting With The Spirit World: Charmaine Wilson
Charmaine Wilson is a world renowned Australian medium who is visiting the Redcliffe Cultural Centre to engage an audience with spirits from their past.

Recognised for her unique skill as a medium, Charmaine Wilson was the winner of Channel Seven's inaugural season of The One, in which several psychics participated in trials to challenge their abilities. Having lived through a lot of personal heartaches with the loss of loved ones, including her brother and four-year-old daughter in tragic accidents, Wilson is a compassionate and understanding reader, who sees it as her job to support clients through the grieving process.

It's my job to alleviate the fear of death and help people through the grieving process. From the minute I walk out on stage, I'm engaged with spirits who take me right to their person. They will often give me lots of personal details and even a special memory that connects the spirit to the person. It's usually something unique, so the person knows it's really them, says Wilson.

Since 2002, Wilson has been dedicated to providing accurate information about the spirit world to her clients. In 2005 Wilson was awarded the Australian Psychic of the Year award and Queensland Psychic of the Year in 2009 for her gift and efforts. Having worked in Redcliffe before, Wilson says she loves visiting and working in our area.

Come in with an open heart and mind. The idea of the event is to help everyone understand that the spirits are there. It's never 'goodbye' when a loved one departs; it's only 'see you later'. I'm here to give you the comfort and knowledge that the spirits are always around, says Wilson.

Expect to see a lot of readings in the audience. Even if you don't receive a reading, everyone will see [the] connection between spirit and audience members and I'll show everyone how to survive the grieving process and come out the other side.

For more information about

Charmaine and her abilities,
