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Beautiful Lights At Beach House On Suttons

Story: Redcliffe Guide
Published On : Dec 01, 2016
7 YEARS AGO, the residents of the now-iconic Beach House on Suttons made the clever decision to celebrate Christmas by decorating their balconies with beautiful lights.


This year will prove to be like no other, with Santa, elves, fairies and music to make it one of Redcliffe's favourite community Christmas events.

Some years ago, Beach House on Suttons entered the well-known 4KQ Christmas lights competition, placing third and then second in the cul de sac category, as there is no high-rise category yet. Competing against suburban residents who decorate their front yards in themed Christmas scenes, Beach House on Suttons residents have banded together to put up thousands of lights on their balconies, the building and throughout the front gardens.

It's a wonderful time of year and decorating Beach House has become a real community event, says Garry Santa Hinds. I sit on my balcony and see lots of cars stop to see our lights.

It's very hot being Santa, says Hinds, So I'm lucky one of the fairies has sewn ice packs into my suit!

Santa's busy elves have built aluminium frames for lights to be set up easily each year. About a dozen elves set up the frames each year and add lights every year for extra Christmas cheer. This year, a generous resident has spent $1000 to contribute to the 'Christmas Dolphins' theme to make 2016 better than ever!

The Salvation Army will join the Beach House on 16th and 17th December to entertain the crowds with their wonderful music. The Christmas elves, fairies and Santa will be available from 7 to 8pm from Thursday 8 December to Sunday 24 December, excluding Saturday 10 December when the building has their Christmas party. All characters are available for free photos with children, who will also receive a small bag of lollies.

Supporting the Starlight Foundation, the Christmas fairies will be selling star wands. Last year, over 500 wands were sold for the organisation. With over 200 children visiting Santa at the Beach House on Christmas Eve last year, they expect to see even more in 2016. Come down to see the lights on Beach House on Suttons at 41 Marine Parade, right across from Suttons Beach.